

Das Didgeridoo-goodVibes-Atempowerprojekt

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Das Didgeridoo

is a hollow tube, an aerophone, which is set into vibration by blowing into it. The vibrating tube causes the air inside to vibrate and the typical sound of the didgeridoo - the drone - is created.

Yidaki, Didjeridu, Didgeridoo

There are so many names for this wind instrument that is easy to learn. Originally from Australia, it has triumphantly made its way to Europe and the world. The bass sound and its overtones are archaic and attractive.

Anyone who masters the instrument can play with musicians from all over the world and bring almost forgotten sound spectra back to life with their sound.


An instrument that can be learned intuitively, trains breathing, quickly creates a sense of achievement and is enjoyable, and is ideal for use in schools. A means of expression for children from the third grade onwards, it is an instrument for meditation, activation and physical activity.

Book Didge4Kids for English lessons on the topic of Australia, in music lessons for rhythm training, in biology lessons for explaining breathing processes and cooperate with the art department to build artistic instruments from inexpensive pipes.


By playing together, the children learn about the origins of the didgeridoo and in just a few hours learn the basics of playing the instrument. They learn that breathing is also rhythm. Self-confidence through breathing power. End the BreathRhythm project with a beautiful performance.

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