We are Rocar

  • Children in rhythm

    Rhythmus ist eine Wirkkomponente der Musik! Die Fähigkeit sich einem Rhythmus anzupassen heißt Flexibel zu sein und reagieren zu können. In unserer heutigen Zeit ist es enorm wichtig flexibel zu sein und mitzuschwingen-

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Children in rhythm


is an effective component of music! The ability to adapt to a rhythm means being flexible and being able to react. In today's world, it is extremely important to be flexible, to swing along and to assert yourself.


are the driving rattles when we hear Brazilian samba pieces. They are also known colloquially as chocalho and are small pieces mounted on pins that are attached to short handles. There are large and small rocars that are simply loud when played in rhythm. Together with the deep bass, they create the rousing and lively samba rhythm.


are instruments that are simply constructed but still have a great effect. The Rocar project is a contemporary way of promoting music, rhythm, joy of life, environmental awareness and teamwork. Our children build their own instruments and learn to play simple rhythms while moving and to create a sense of togetherness in interaction with other children and to realize that the sum is greater than the individual parts.


are now manufactured professionally, but at Kronkorkenprojekt we want to promote environmental awareness and teach sustainability with our children. Recycling as a way to conserve resources and draw attention to creativity.

Between seventy and a hundred bottle caps are needed for a Rocar. We collect bottle caps and process them into rattles and really show them off. We are loud, we play together and we are in rhythm - just like real Rocars.


And whatever bottle caps are left over are turned into recyclable material. The proceeds then go to environmental projects....

Newspaper article from 2018

We are Rocar 1,000!

We are Rocar 1,000

There were once ensembles with 1,500 players. The energy that such an orchestra generated must have been phenomenal.

When we listen to music, we also feel it!!

It is the energy we need when we consume music. Music in its individual parts nourishes us.

When 1,000 children come together and become an orchestra, they are the creators and beneficiaries of this energy. Energy uplifts us and puts us in a position to live what we are.

Through this energy, the project promotes self-confidence and strengthens us from within.

It starts with a school...

To realize the We are Rocar 1,000 project, we need children. Children who like to move, who like to make music, who love rhythm.

Your school has children like that?

Then they apply as a school and we implement the project with their children. We are together! If we cooperate with each other, we create a great event and show that rhythm connects, rhythm makes you strong.

In the first half of 2024 we will start with Spandau schools in Berlin and Kreuzberg.

Further information will follow....

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